Thursday, June 21, 2007

Walking On the Wild Side

So...the other day...maybe last week, I was at the store and I needed a new t-shirt for some reason...just a spur of the moment, it didn't really matter what it looked like t-shirt. And I found this green shirt. And I bought it. And...driving home, I thought "You don't have one single green shirt...and there's probably a reason. You're going to hate it! What a waste of money!"

As it turns's like my new favorite shirt. I just love it. I don't generally like to talk myself up...(yeah right!)...but it's a REALLY good color on me. I'd like to wear the shirt every day for the rest of my life...but I tried that once with a sparkly unicorn shirt when I was 8, and my mom kind of got mad at me.

Moral of the story...just because you don't do something now...doesn't mean you won't love doing something. Trying something new could be the best thing that ever happened to you!