Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Greatest Fear reading my blog, one might think that my greatest fear is a bad hair day. Or perhaps, getting stuck inside a tanning bed. While those both rank in the top five, I have to admit that even higher on my list of greatest fears is going to the Dentist. I won't get into my long LONG story...because I'm sure you don't care...but the bottom line is that I've been to the dentist several times and not been numb when they've worked on me. I'm hard to numb. Which REALLY sucks.

But...after bouncing around, always afraid, and not really trusting anyone not to torture me for a while, I found a dentist who I really loved. He helped me get past my fear and always took care of me and got me numb and really got me to a good "I'm not terrified of the Dentist anymore" place.

And then...he retired.

And now...I have a toothache.

So...I have to go to someone new, and I HATE the thought of going to someone new. This is the worst day ever. Okay...not EVER. But this week...for sure.'s not to be ending up with a toothless smile is the GREATEST fear of any self-respecting vain girl like myself.

Cross your fingers that I'll survive.


Sharon said...

I'm headed to the dentist this afternoon, well on my way to my toothless smile. :-(

I have a tooth that has a "significant" hole in the side. As of Saturday, it's more "significant". I tend to go with the cheapest option for a fix and that seems to be pulling it. I guess I'll wait to see what he has to say.