Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Dreaded 4 Way Stop

I would just like to say, for the record, that I hate 4-way stops. There is one, in particular, that is really the only one I hit on a regular basis. I really should just change my route to work, so that I never have to hit it. If people did what they are supposed to do at a 4-way stop, it wouldn’t be a problem. But in all seriousness, 4-way stops turn people into complete idiots! I HATE it when I come up to it and there is a car coming up to the sign across from me…like 2 seconds before me. And I’m turning left, so I wait…I mean, they are going straight…so they should have the right of way, right? Especially since they stopped before me...but even if we both arrived at the same time, they should go, right? But of course sometimes they just sit there. And I have my freaking turn signal on…so they should KNOW that I’m waiting for them. And I’m like…”Do they think I got here first? I think they got there first…they should go…but obviously they aren’t going…so I guess I’ll go.” And then as SOON as I start to go, so do they. So we both slam on our brakes. Then we both wait…AGAIN…for the other one to go. And then we both, simultaneously, begin to do the “go ahead” wave. And in my mind…I would really rather that they just go. If they go…then I know that I’m not going to crash into them. But if I go, and then they somehow get the wrong idea and they go, too…they are going to crash into me. Finally though, I usually relent, and when I go, I’m honestly bracing myself for the whole turn…waiting to be side-swiped. And I’m sure that they are over on their side thinking that I’m a complete idiot, too…but no…I’m right, they are wrong. End of story.