Monday, March 2, 2009


So…I know that this probably makes me a bad person, but I can’t help but enjoy it a little bit when I’m really self conscious around someone, and I’m freaking out, because I’m on the verge of doing something fairly embarrassing…and then they, instead, do something TOTALLY embarrassing.  And even though I end up doing my thing…their thing still trumped my thing.  Yeah…that’s pretty much the best.


And no…I can’t give you any more details than that…because, even though my embarrassing thing was the lesser of the two embarrassing things…I still don’t want to talk about it…because, well…it would be embarrassing. 


If you have my number, and you really want to know THAT badly…call me…I might tell you.  : )


Rachael said...

Oh Janine, I can't believe you are leaving us hanging like that!!!!! As one who can personally commiserate with embarassing moments, you must share!

Love ya!